Sunday 9 August 2015


Research studies show that long-term consumption of caffeine and coffee decreases body weight in rats. These animal studies on weight loss suggest that long-term caffeine and coffee consumption could decrease body weight in humans. However, the research also suggests that caffeine-induced thermogenesis (how your body burns calories to create heat energy) and fat oxidation is more significant in non-obese patients. 
Studies have also found that energy expenditure is elevated for several hours after drinking caffeinated coffee; they also suggest that a habitual consumption of 6 cups of coffee per day can increase energy expenditure that could lead to significant weight loss. The American Dietetic Association recommends three 8 oz. cups of coffee per day. Use these recommendations to make the right choice for you.
Because coffee can act as a natural diuretic, drinking it could rid your body of excess water weight. I drink black coffee the day before a photo-shoot to help me look dry and striated. It's been a great tool for me in my fitness career!

Coffee does have some great health and weight-loss benefits. But just like milkshakes, biceps curls and running marathons, too much of a good thing can have deleterious effects on your body. 
Some people react differently to caffeine — it actually increases their appetites! Also, drinking too much coffee can cause jitteriness and anxiety; use it in moderation. 
Enjoying too many cups of coffee too late in the afternoon or evening can also cause insomnia. If you drink multiple after-dinner cups of Joe, you might be in for a rough night of wide-awake life contemplation.
If you don't usually drink coffee, make sure you gage how your body reacts to caffeine before you start making it a part of your diet.

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