Friday 7 August 2015


Before we all knew about counting macros and tracking our foods. We all have fell guilty to eating no carbs, cutting out rice and bread and anything starch, thinking that is how you properly lose weight, it is fault.
Fat loss can be achieve by eating anything, literally, of course within your set number of macros meaning carbs, fats and protein. Find your carbs, fats and protein ratio, stick to those numbers every single day and you can incorporate any food you want to fill those macros, aslong as you don't do over or under, you probably will either way, but the goal is to try and hit those numbers as perfectly as possible. Once fat loss is achieved then you adjust your macros to your new body weight, you continue to adjust your macros to your body weight as fatloss continues to be achieved until you get to your goal weight or goal physique.

Watch this video by Chris Jones of physiquesofgreatness to figure out how to set a good ratio of carbs, fats and protein, we are all different and we are all individual, but this is a good guide to follow if you are having difficulty figuring it out or if you don't want to pay for a macro coach.

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